This presentation will detail stock selection, option selection, and position management, the 3-required skills to become elite covered call writers and put-sellers. It will also include ultra-conservative approaches to these strategies using Delta and implied volatility to create statistically beneficial trades. Rules and guidelines will be discussed to take the emotions out of our trades resulting in high-probability positive outcomes.
Detailed analysis will be provided regarding how to craft our trades to the current market environment, personal risk tolerance, and strategy return goals. A multi-tiered option-selling strategy that combines both covered call writing and selling cash-secured puts will also be examined. It is known as the PCP (put-call-put) or “wheel strategy.”
Attendees will be introduced to a one-of-a-kind trade management tool, the Trade Management Calculator, which is used to enter, manage, and generate final realized and unrealized trade results.
The course is structured to benefit both beginner and advanced option traders, using real-life examples to enhance the learning process.
For the first time at a MoneyShow event, Danielle Shay, VP of Options at Simpler Trading, will lead an in-depth course teaching traders about her unique portfolio-building approach. Using a combination of technical, fundamental, and long-term trading patterns such as the squeeze, Danielle will teach you how she built a six-figure investment portfolio from scratch.
Specifically, she will show you how to pick the market’s top stocks and sectors. She’ll explain why and how to average in over time by using trading patterns to get an edge on entries. And she’ll cover how this “conservatively aggressive” approach has beaten the market since its inception. After attending this course, you’ll have an investment-building formula that you can apply to any long-term stock trading account.
What’s the first market-related item you look at every day? How and when do you consume financial media? How do you deal with the firehose of information available to market participants? Mindful investors follow a disciplined process to gather information and develop an investment thesis.
In this in-depth, behind-the-scenes course, David Keller, CMT, chief market strategist at, will walk you through his daily, weekly, and monthly chart routines to demonstrate how you can improve your understanding of asset rotation and identify investment candidates by sticking to a disciplined process of market analysis. You will leave with actionable ideas to upgrade your process and invest with intention!
What does your dream retirement look like? What monthly cashflow amount do you need to feel comfortable, safe, secure, and still excited? In this one-of-a-kind MoneyMasters course, Jerremy Newsome, CEO of, will take a generally bleak topic and help create a very compelling future for your money.
You will learn:
- When and how to rent your stocks like you rent a house
- Which strategy adds zero additional risk to your portfolio, yet still creates monthly cash flow
- How to scan the market to find your perfect retirement opportunities
- What math is required to create your dream retirement, travel first class, and give generously without being afraid of running out of money
Plus so much more! Investors will be flying in from all over the world for this talk. Jerremy looks forward to having you there, too.